Tuesday, October 6, 2009

material system

form and material

Each team needs to develop a material system with specific morphological features that is dynamic enough to respond to several performance criteria. The design process is guided by the following critical steps:

• a computational model which describes the basic geometric parameters derived from the initial concept study through a set of simple rules. Points, Lines, Splines, surfaces as a dataset.

• A physical model or component, which facilitates the exploration of potential material characteristics that relate to structural and environmental conditions. Since it is built as a series of many components which can change in several dimensions, the questions of surface apertures for light, access, circulation, courtyards, gardens, integration with the landscape etc.. can be easily simulated.

This setup is to be kept flexible enough in its configuration so as to be able to adapt to further differentiation through a process where in feedback material physicality and digital framwork inform each other.
In a next step, additional parameters can be integrated into the digital framework, such as constraints from actual materials (size restrictions of manufacturing), specific fabrication parameters, logics of assembly, orientation of individual spaces, programmatic issues, site specifics, internal light conditions etc..

Be reminded on the general concepts driving your design. Examples indicated were:Inversion, Incongruity and Continuity but you may suggest your own.

For the Friday review (october 9), each team needs to have gathered enough support to sustain their concept and design intent, proven by digital and physical mockups illustrating the adaptation possibility of their parti as described above.

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